Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fasting From Facebook: Part Deux

I just re-read the little snippet Daniel wrote after Lent, about the stuff people had fasted from and how the fast had impacted them.  Great stuff.  Did you know that around 2 million people gave up Facebook for Lent?  Crazy. 

Anyway, it got me thinking about how to continue the pattern of 1 Corinthians 6:12 -- not everything is beneficial, and I will not be mastered (I think "overpowered" would be a good paraphrase of the Greek) by anything -- even though Lent is LONG over.

I put a couple of things on FB about how to keep from drowning when you're drinking from the firehose (hide people from your feed, check FB rather than keeping it up in your browser all the time), but I'm thinking about how to expand that to my other online time.  Using a feed reader has helped a bunch, so I'm not going to eight zillion separate blogs and sites every day. 

Do y'all have any other ideas that could help me streamline online time?


fional said...

Not owning a laptop and not having the internets on my home computer is good - well in the way you mention at least. But I'm hoping to get one soon and will be fighting your battles ('cept they'll be mine).

I do the opposite thing to you and chose *not* to subscribe to any blogs 'cos then I'll feel compelled to read every post that comes my way. Instead I read *what* I feel like *when* the time is right.

Laura said...

Yeah, I totally think it's about figuring out what works for you. For me, it's easier to decide in a couple seconds what's worth reading and what's not when it's all there together rather than spread out all over the web. I probably read 1/3 or less of the stuff that comes up in my reader.